Perinatal Palliative Care Coordinator Training
Why Perinatal
Palliative Care?
Lethal fetal diagnoses are made in 2% of all pregnancies.
This news shatters dreams, transforms the pregnancy, and propels most into recognizing that their anticipated parenting experience will be cut short (Côté-Arsenault and Denney-Koelsch (2011).
Congenital anomalies account for 20% of neonatal and infant deaths in the United States
Perinatal palliative care is a recent addition to palliative care and is meant to meet the needs of families who
choose to continue a pregnancy affected by a life-limiting diagnosis (Wool et al, 2016).
choose to continue a pregnancy affected by a life-limiting diagnosis (Wool et al, 2016).
Prognosis certainty
…when parents know the prognosis ahead of time, they
are able to adjust, treasure their time with their baby during
pregnancy, and prepare emotionally for the birth and death (Côté-Arsenaultt, Denney-Koelsch, 2016)
are able to adjust, treasure their time with their baby during
pregnancy, and prepare emotionally for the birth and death (Côté-Arsenaultt, Denney-Koelsch, 2016)

We both decided to take this attitude that we are going to cherish every day, every moment that we have with her.

In the big picture, doing this…we can look back and we can say we did everything humanly possible for him, giving him every possible chance that we could for him to survive. Six months from now, if we lose him, that's a difference maker.

I wanted to know what was next. You're still pregnant and still have this beautiful baby that you're expecting and now you have to know where to go from here.
Begin Perinatal Palliative Coordinator Training